My suggestions: Stay as relaxed as possible. Before sex, take a hot bath or shower. That`s relaxing. Include more whole-body massage in your lovemaking. Also relaxing. Breathe deeply and slowly throughout sex including during anal play.
relaxing your anus
I know that when I have experienced this myself, I have sometimes spent more time worrying about whether everything is clean downstairs rather than relaxing and be open to the experience. So, first get an anal douche.
Your abdominal muscles need to contract and squeeze the stool out, and at the same time, your anal sphincter muscles need to relax and open up to let the stool out and your puborectalis needs to relax and let the kinked rectum straight up so& ...
Relax your mind and body! If this is your first time trying anal sex, spend a few minutes relaxing your mind and your entire body. You can also relax your anal muscles. To see what that feels like you can tighten them by& ...
My suggestions: Stay as relaxed as possible. Before sex, take a hot bath or shower. That`s relaxing. Include more whole-body massage in your lovemaking. Also relaxing. Breathe deeply and slowly throughout sex including during anal play.
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